The Benefits of Forest School Activities for Children

Forest school activities are becoming more and more popular across the globe. This is because forest schools provide many benefits for children that cannot be found in a traditional school setting. Forest schools allow children to be in touch with nature, which has been shown to improve cognitive function, creativity, problem solving skills, and emotional well-being. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of forest school activities for children and why every child should have the opportunity to participate in them!


There is no doubt that forest school activities are becoming increasingly popular in recent years. This is due to the many benefits that they can offer children. Forest schools provide an opportunity for children to get in touch with nature and to learn about the natural world around them. They also offer a chance for children to explore their creativity and to engage in physical activity.

There are forest schools located in many different countries around the world, including the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, and Australia. In the United Kingdom alone, there are over 1,000 forest schools which cater to children of all ages. The benefits of forest school activities have been well-documented, and there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that they can have a positive impact on children’s health and wellbeing.

There are many reasons why every child should experience forest school activities. Here are just a few of the benefits that they can offer:

Forest schools provide an opportunity for children to get in touch with nature

Children can get in touch with nature and appreciate the natural world.  Forest school activities can help children to learn about the environment and develop an appreciation for nature. Forest schools have been shown to be effective in improving children's attitudes towards the environment and their ability to care for the natural world. Forest schools can also help children to develop important life skills such as problem solving, teamwork, and communication. Every child should have the opportunity to get in touch with nature and forest school activities can provide this opportunity.

They offer a chance for children to explore their creativity

Children can explore their creativity in a natural setting, while also providing opportunities to learn about and connect with nature. Forest school activities can help children develop confidence and self-esteem, as well as problem-solving and social skills. They can also promote physical activity and encourage an appreciation for the environment. forest schools are becoming increasingly popular in countries around the world, as more parents and educators recognise the many benefits they offer children.

Forest schools can help children to develop a love of learning

Enrolling your child in a forest school program can provide them with opportunities to explore and discover the natural world around them. Forest school activities are often hands-on, allowing children to get up close and personal with nature. These experiences can help instil a sense of wonder and curiosity in children, encouraging them to ask questions and think critically about their environment.

In addition to promoting a love of learning, forest school activities can also have a number of other benefits for children.

They provide an opportunity for children to engage in physical activity

Research has shown that forest school activities can have a number of benefits for children. These include providing an opportunity for them to engage in physical activity, improving their social skills and helping them to develop a positive relationship with nature.

Forest schools originated in Sweden in the 1950s, and have since become popular in many other countries, including the UK, US, Canada and Australia. There is growing evidence to suggest that they can be effective in promoting children’s physical and mental health and wellbeing.

One of the main benefits of forest school activities is that they provide an opportunity for children to engage in physical activity. This is particularly important in today’s sedentary world, where children are often confined to indoors spaces and have limited opportunities to run around and explore.

In addition to the physical benefits, forest school activities can also help children to develop their social skills. These activities typically involve small groups of children working together on tasks such as building shelters or preparing food. This can help them to learn how to cooperate and communicate with others, as well as develop important life skills such as problem-solving.

Forest schools can help children to develop social skills

Most children today spend a majority of their time indoors, either at school or home. This lack of exposure to nature can have a negative impact on their physical and mental health. forest schools are a type of educational program that aim to combat this by incorporating outdoor activities into the curriculum.

There are many benefits of forest school activities for children. One of the most important is that it can help them to develop social skills. In a forest school setting, children are encouraged to work together in order to complete tasks. This cooperative play can help them to learn how to communicate and cooperate with others, which are essential skills for later in life.

They can help children to develop self-confidence

One of the benefits of forest school activities is that they can help children to develop self-confidence. This is because forest school activities often involve exploring and being in nature, which can help children to feel more confident in themselves and their abilities. Additionally, forest school activities can also help children to develop social skills, as they often involve working together in small groups. This can help children to feel more confident in social situations and learn how to work effectively with others.

Forest schools can help children to develop a sense of responsibility

Forest schools can help children to develop a sense of responsibility. They learn to take care of the environment and to respect wildlife. forest school activities also encourage children to be active and to use their imagination. These benefits are important for all children, but they are especially important for children who have special needs or who live in urban areas. Forest schools can help to improve the mental and physical health of children, and they can provide an opportunity for children to connect with nature. Every child should have the opportunity to attend a forest school.

What are forest school activities?

Forest school activities are outdoor activities that are educational and fun. They are typically led by a forest school teacher, and they take place in a forest or other natural area.

Are forest schools effective?

There is evidence to suggest that forest schools are effective. Studies have shown that children who attend Forest schools have better motor skills, social skills, and cognitive skills. They also have higher self-esteem and are more likely to be resilient.

They can help children to appreciate the natural world

Forest school activities can help children to appreciate the natural world around them. These activities can also help children to develop a sense of responsibility for their environment and the creatures that live in it. forest schools can also teach children about the importance of conservation and how to protect our forests and wildlife. In addition, forest school activities can help children to develop physical skills such as coordination and balance.

They can help children to develop problem-solving skills

One of the benefits of forest school activities is that they can help children to develop problem-solving skills. When children are faced with challenges in a natural setting, they have to use their own resources and ingenuity to figure out how to overcome them. This can help them to become more resourceful and independent thinkers.

They can help children to understand the importance of conservation

Forest school activities are a great way for children to get back in touch with nature. They can help children to understand the importance of conservation. They instil a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them. forest school activities can also help children to develop important life skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and resilience.


There are many more benefits of forest school activities that have not been mentioned here. However, these are some of the most important ones. If you are looking for an activity that can offer your child all of these benefits, then forest school is definitely worth considering.

Expert Opinion

Mark Ryalls, owner of Amberley Nursery, a preschool nursery in Bexhill, East Sussex.

Sir David Attenborough said, "No one will protect what they don't care about; and no one will care about what they have never experienced".

I have been running a Forest School for Nursery children aged 3+ since 2012, and have found it an inspirational process that offers children regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence through hands-on learning in a woodland environment.

Nurturing an understanding and respect for the natural environment and the creatures within it, is essential for our and nature’s survival. Participants experience nature at first hand through play and a series of engaging and achievable tasks.

The forest school experience brings learning to life and improves an individual's ability to work co-operatively while offering the opportunities to take risks, make choices and initiate learning. And of course, we have lots of fun getting covered in mud! In an increasingly sedentary, indoor world, we need to encourage our children outside to get inspired and active.

"We moved from being a part of nature to being apart from nature." Sir David again.

Let's get outside!

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